Friday, 2 August 2013

The Many Benefits of Cadiovascular Exercise

Cardiovascular exercise, sometimes referred to as "cardo" is a "must." Your cardiovascular system is what transfer nutrients and oxygen to organs and tissues, removes waste products and delivers antibodies to the site of infection. Without cardiovascular health, not much else matters.
It is also beneficial in other ways. Good circulation and a healthy heart are essential in moving oxygen and glucose to the brain. This promotes alertness, decreases reaction time and improves thinking. Cardio also triggers the release of the mood enhancer dopamine which not only improves outlook, but also improves motivation, enhances attention span and positively improves that all important emotional state of arousal. Not only does it increase the amount of useful hormones, it reduces the amount of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline.
Endurance is another benefit. If you've ever felt tired, or even exhausted after a sedentary day of sitting at a desk, you know how slow circulation can affect you physically, even if you are otherwise healthy.
Increasing the activity of the heart and lungs also burns calories that would otherwise settle as fat in the muscle tissue. Our bodies are not designed to operate in the sit-still- in-the-office-cubicle style of modern civilization. They are designed and built to move. Cardiovascular exercise is an important way to compensate for our present day lifestyle. It's all about getting up and getting moving. Going into motion does more than reduce stress. It can also deliver a lot of other benefits, such as:
  • Strengthening the heart and lungs and thereby guarding against heart attack and stroke.
  • Improve overall health
  • Improve your body's ability to combat disease.
  • Improved circulation means quicker recovery from injury.
  • Cardo can increased bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
  • It can help you sleep better by improving circulation and reducing heart rate during the sleep cycle.
  • You can improve yourself image by improving your physique. It's time to look good in a bathing suit again. Just because you may be a bit too old for that tiny bikini, doesn't mean that another style can't look fantastic.
  • It can help give you the energy that you need to live life to the fullest without the need for artificial stimulants like caffeine.
  • It can temporarily relieve anxiety and depression.
Getting your heart rate up, heating up your muscles and increasing circulation is more than just jumping up and down. Whether you plan on moving on to physical activities like weight training, Pilates or any other form of exercise Cardiovascular exercise can provide a foundation on which you can build a healthy long term exercise program.

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